Boys, listen up, it's time to stop acting like boys and start acting like men. I think that's been the problem with most of the guys I've dated. They aren't acting like they should. When I go on a date, I should have my door opened, my chair pulled out, my food paid for, and the jacket laid across the puddle.
But no, half the time I have to CHECK to see if it's a date or not. I have to clarify with them. Yes, I know it can be hard to tell the difference between date and hanging out, but I believe you should have the respect to let her know which is which.
However, girls, some of the blame lies on us. We aren't acting like proper ladies either. We need to ask for their respect. One thing that I always do is I wait for him to open my door. I will sit in the car till he comes and gets it. Also, don't bring any visible form of money on a date (hanging out is different). It forces him to realize that the gentleman thing to do is pay. Now I know some of you girls are shaking your head right now, you want to be independent. And that's wonderful! Don't get me wrong. But when on a date, it's important for us to let him lead. Men like to feel in charge and protective. So let him be that.
So guys, girls, please please PLEASE rethink the way you date. Boys don't be afraid to call that cute girl up. Girls, don't say no unless you have a REALLY good reason why not. Be respectful, chivalrous. Don't talk with your mouthful. Don't flake out or cancel half a dozen times.
And above all, don't forget to have fun. (:
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