Thursday, February 7, 2013

On the Topic of Love

Dating sucks. The end. When we aren't dating someone seriously we begin to think there is something wrong with us or that we are inadequate. Nobody will ever be interested in me.

Trust me, I've felt these inadequacies enough to marry them. Speaking of marriage, it's not something I'm thinking of. My focus is my mission. I am a part of the unashamed gospel. D & C 15:6 tells me the thing that will be of most worth will be to DECLARE REPENTANCE. So it's what I'm doing.

However that doesn't mean I don't love. I'm just not in love with anybody. There are tons of people that I love and appreciate as friends. And right now, that's all I want is good friends. I don't need a boyfriend. I'd rather just be very close friends that I can be myself around and not worry about impressing them. I love my friends. I have great friends, most of who are on missions now but there's a few still here that I appreciate.

They're the ones who answer my constant questions and appreciate my movie-quoting abilities. They are the ones that don't care what I look like because they've seen me at my best and worst. They are the people that I can call up no matter what and know they'll help out a friend. I love those people, and even though they may not know how I feel, I hope I make it apparent.

I'm not a perfect friend, I make mistakes and regret things said. But those friends who stay with me regardless of my flaws are the people I want to surround myself with. I treasure their companionship and friendship more than I think even I realize.

So thank you friends. Thank you for being my friend, I hope you know how I feel about you, and that you never doubt that you are loved.

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